Thursday, December 07, 2006

TWO down...ONE to go!!

The top "5" headlines from Buzzflash this morning:

1) The Bush Administration routinely has underreported the level of violence in Iraq in order to disguise it's policy failings, the Iraq Study Group report said Wednesday.
2) Elizabeth de la Vega's Criminal Indictment of George W. Bush Et Al, -- A Buzzflash Interview
3) Update
4) Update
5)Bush's war policies have failed in almost every regard, the bipartisan Iraq Study Group concluded Wednesday, and it warned of dwindling chances to change course before crisis turns to chaos with dire implications for terrorism, war in the Middle East and higher oil prices around the world.

The interview with Elizabeth de la Vega is a must read.

Click on headlines to read the articles from my site (under "buzz it")...Buzzflash!


BBC said...

Are you aware of a new book "The End Of Iraq" ???

About how America (our preznut anyway) has brought a never ending war down on us.

jv said...

why has this blog been so silent lately?

Phoenix said...

hi, Lady Liberty, wanted to thank you for commenting on my blog, Liberty Blue. I have to say that I fully agree with your statement, and feel the same way.

It's so hard to keep posting when apathy reigns in our country. Far too many people seem to think that being passive observers qualifies as caring about what happens.

Good thing our founding fathers knew different, or we would never have gotten beyond gripe sessions in the back parlor....

Hopefully, you'll get back to updating your blog here, it does look awesome! I suspect you have a lot to contribute towards educating people with the facts, and I look forward to reading whatever information you find to share with others.

Keep the faith, and hang in there! You may not have a lot of company, but we're here, and you're NOT alone. ;)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the link to the interview and to this new book, bbc.

Lady Liberty said...

Hi bbc...nice to hear from you. I didn't think anyone read the blogs anymore, or so it seems by the lack of comments.
I may just continue to use this as a sort of a journal and if someone happens to read it and takes with them, a thought, even if they don't is worth it to me.

Hope you are doing well!!!

Stay cool!
God Bless America!
