Monday, November 13, 2006

When will enough be enough?

Why did this not surprise me? We all knew our work was cut out for us, but this soon? In retrospect, we could still be in the same powerless position as we have been for the last 6 years. But, Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Harry Reid made it very clear regarding their intentions before AND after the election! I heard the message loud and clear...REAL CHANGE!!! News Flash: There cannot be any real change as long as the criminals that are illegally holding office are allowed to continue with their agenda's...which are, Invading Iran. Refusing to leave Iraq until their JOB? is Done? And what job might this be, fellow Americans? Slaughtering more innocent Iraqi's and ordering more body bags from Japan to bring our troops home in? Continuing to trash our Constitutional Rights! Governing above the law!

Watch the movie..."Loose Change"'s free. You can view it online or you can order it, invest in America, and hand it out to everyone you know. This is NO conspiracy theory. If it was even close, the FBI would not have pulled me from my home, after confiscating my computers. I was REFUSED legal counsel!!! That story is yet to be told.

Regarding Iraq, first it was, and this is not in order of importance: Reasons for being, for staying!

1) (The Big Lie) WMD

2) The Elections

3) Restore? Democracy?

4) Train the Iraqi's

5) Rebuild Iraq...Since it didn't take us very long to destroy it. And of course, enter Cheney...enter Halliburton. Wasn't this the idea from the beginning? They made a fortune off of those suffering people, and they'll continue to, if allowed.

6) Restore the Iraqi Army. Restore it to WHAT???

From Bush's lips: We will NOT LEAVE IRAQ until we get the JOB done?

Can anyone answer the question: What is the job? Is it hitting the 800,000 death mark or would it be the 4,000 death mark regarding our troops? Because we're dangerously close to the 800,000 mark right now and how many more troops will be sent home in a box before someone, ANYONE can explain to me, to the American people what our JOB is supposed to be over there? Bush can't answer it. Everyone is still waiting to find out why we're still there? Sitting on their duffs, watching the planes land with American bodies on them, oh, and then switching over to their favorite sit-com because it's too depressing to watch!!!!!!!!!!

I am just so disgusted with this mentality and I'm not the only one who has been questioning this Administration and trying with the few powers that be, to hold them accountable and demand change.

PLEASE, American citizens who love their country, please stop loving it from a distance. I, along with many other volunteers for the PDA are starting (another) grassroots movement and distributing brochures with all of the information one needs to effect change.

PLEASE read the information I received, detailing addresses where petitions can be mailed to; addresses where your representatives will hear your voices.

Under the article below is an address where you can vote to have your voice heard. PLEASE take a moment to get involved. This is YOUR country. Love it!!!!

PLEASE visit PDA (Progressive Democrats of America) and get involved ANY way you can!

Besides the flyers and brochures detailing a plan of action to effect REAL CHANGE, I printed out 5000 business cards with email addresses, phone and fax numbers to contact ones representative and to let their concerns be heard! I CANNOT, force anyone to care, but I can provide them with basic, honest communication resources!

Sadly, for everyone (who truly cares for their country) to become involved, I believe it would take the fear of having The National Guard stationed near their homes, schools, shopping centers, and of course the more obvious, being dragged off to jail after curfew and being denied a 'phone call.'
Unfortuneately for some, this just happens in the movies...No, it can't happen here? Can it?

I don't know how much more it would take to WAKE UP AMERICANS. I do know that when and if it ever does will be too late.
And I don't know how many have children who, in the very near future will be of age to be sent to fight and to die for a lie. Yes, I think maybe that would wake some people up! But then, you'll have already buried your child, like Cindy Sheehan and far too many others to count.


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