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| All messages are published with permission of the sender. The general topic of this message is Civil Liberties:
| Subject: Why did I vote the Democrats in?
To: Sen. Bill Nelson
November 13, 2006
If only to learn that 'impeachment' is OFF the table? We voted for change. REAL CHANGE. And we know change takes time and patience. But when we're reading that Nancy Pelosi has stripped this issue from her agenda and refuses to take it one step further, well, in 08, there will NOT be a Democrat getting MY vote. And I will campaign against every one running, if I have to. I have enough backing.
Bush is a criminal. Cheney is a criminal. Why would the Democratic party allow criminals to continue to hold office in the highest office in our land? This is despicable!!!
Crimes against the Constitution. Crimes against humanity.
These are grounds, not only for impeachment, but for imprisonment!
If Bush would have had an affair, he would have been long gone. BUT, he is JUST RESPONSIBLE for the DEATHS of almost 800,000 people. And now he wants to invade yet another country? This IS a part of his strategy for a "New World Order" is it not?
What is wrong with the Democratic party? I am a volunteer for PDA and I will do everything in my power to deliver as many signatures as able to demand impeachment/imprisonment!!! As they are nothing more than out-of-control thugs!
I have printed out over 5000 postcards to deliver at various locations around Florida for others to demand the same and mail them to Washington!
The corruption this Administration has flaunted in our faces for 6 years, and now, allowing it to continue on every level to preserve, in Nancy Pelosi's words...CIVILITY???? How can you answer to this? I DEMAND that you answer to this. I voted for you. It is my duty/responsibility to question my leaders..and I expect an answer!
This is not the time for being CIVIL to CRIMINALS...is there ever a time??
Question: How was Henry Kissinger allowed to be appointed by Bush to head the 911 Investigation? When we all know he's just as involved and will do all in his power to save his own skin, first!
There MUST be an INDEPENDENT investigation conducted regarding the events prior and proceeding the tragedy of 911!!!
I'm sure some flunkie is reading this and probably hasn't even gotten down this far, as it is already in the shredder.
Well, so is MY VOTE for ANY Democrat in the future. THAT, is a promise!!!
REAL CHANGE??? You have fooled me twice. Shame on me!!
Isn't it so true about the prospect of George W. having an affair. If only !?!
Sure is!!! If only we had a REAL justice system!!!
Peace Cat!
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