Saturday, November 18, 2006

Round & Round we Go!

These are mercenaries, over 10,000 of them, who are fighting over in Iraq and who are not U.S. citizens! But, they were promised citizenship (if they lived) , ignoring the fact that most have rap sheets also, into this country in exchange for their tour of duty in Iraq. This seems to be common practice used by officials at the Pentagon.
And now, to cover their own butts, their claiming that most of the abuses that have occurred in Iraq, have not been carried out by U.S. troops, rather, these mercenaries that the U.S. hired and promised citizenship to, are responsible.

I'm reading much different stories and even hearing U.S. Marines admit to illegal and immoral conduct...and since it's a matter of public record, their names, ranks, minus-serial numbers can be found right here on the net!

How much lower can they stoop? Ooops, I better not ask that question. Continually lying to the American people and convincing themselves we believe every word they utter. Shame on them!!! This Administration is nothing less than a disgrace!

They always need a fall-guy, and they usually find one. This is their way of avoiding any more 'bad press' and also a very useful distraction, which they have down to a (fine) art form.

Although I'm sure there is some truth to the illegal goings on due to the military's hiring of these mercenaries, they should not be allowed to shift all of the blame where all of the blame doesn't belong.

I honestly don't know when Americans are going to say, "Enough is Enough" and demand independent investigations, and once they start, there will be many rats leaving the sinking ship.

There is no doubt that Cheney is next to go. Then of course, our fearless leader.

I'll close this post with one of many quotes from the man who is illegally holding the office of President of the United States....

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
-Washington, D.C. , Aug. 5, 2004

(there is a video that accompanies this, but viewing it could cause an infectious rash)


Aravind V said...

hi.....thanx for ur comment..... :) ......neway..... iam not Jacques...... i like Kallis added some info abt him......even ur blog roxxxx ...... keep it up...... :) ......

Lady Liberty said...

Thanks! Will note that! I appreciate the 'thumbs up' on my blog! I'm a newbee to blogger, about a week, and still trying to get to know who's who!
Look forward to reading more from you!

Joey B said...

It doesn't seem like they hired enough mercs.

LesleyinNM said...

Excellent blog! Thanks for the link, I will return the favor!

Lady Liberty said...

Hi Joe...I think their lacking in a lot of areas..LOLL!!

Thanks for stopping by...Peace!

Lady Liberty said...

Lesley, hey, I stopped back and noticed your 'other' blogs. I believe your going to have a steady reader..LOLL!

Joey B said...

I noticed you have a link to me on your blog. I have added one to you. Thanks.